Posted by Gilchrist Gang at 9:37 AM 1 comments
Hayes turned 7
Where does the time go? HAYES turned 7 on Sunday! He is the most AMAZING, HANDSOME, LOVING and mostly the FUNNIEST kid around. He is always cracking us up with his crazy dance moves to his funny little questions. Our house is never boring with him around.
He has so many hobbies and is a natural at all of them. He loves everything from shooting his bow to playing baseball. His one true passion would have to be his dirt bike. He loves this thing and has been an awesome little rider from the moment he got on it at 3 years old..he was trying to jump it with training wheels. He no longer has the training wheels (thank goodness).
All he wanted for his birthday was a TRAXXAS nitro gas RC monster truck (like Hunter's).
His brothers gave him a skateboard and he also got around $80.00 from family...SPOILED!
Happy Birthday Hayes! We love you!
Posted by Gilchrist Gang at 1:26 PM 0 comments
Washington County Fair
We had a blast at the fair this year. We went every night...WEDNESDAY was $1.00 ride night, The Great Bear Show, Dancing Heads and baby contest sign ups...THURSDAY night the freestyle motoX riders where there..FRIDAY was the first judging for the baby contest... SATURDAY started early and ended super late, the parade was that morning then off to the 2nd part of the baby contest. Jarrett was 3rd place this year. He was so tired and didn't want nothing to do with it. He won last year. Then they boys wanted to watch the magician and then the was a hypnotist. James ans Shara volunteer but it didn't work on them. Then off to do the Dancing Heads for the 2nd time, this is so much fun! They put a green sheet around your neck and body then place your head on another body in a video. We had a total blast doing it. I will try and post the video if I can figure it out. If you are familiar with Jib Jab its like that but you and move your mouth and head.
Last but not least it was DERBY time. It was a great Derby and we had a terrific time with the BULLARD FAMILY, DAVE & MAL, MY MOM & SHARA and of course all the KIDS.
Posted by Gilchrist Gang at 11:10 PM 2 comments
Colorado Vacation
If I could live any where in the US it would be Durango CO...LOVE LOVE it over there. We (James, Jarrett & I....the other two boys were in Monroe) went on our annual trip to Durango, Silverton & Ouray. But this time we were able to stay for 10 days..YIPPIE!
The Durango Silverton Railroad has an amazing steam engine train that travels between Durango & Silverton. Jarrett was obsessed with TRAIN..every chance we got we had to watch it...and that was a ton.
We took our JEEP again this year and it was awesome to have a roof over our head for the daily rain storms. Once again it was beautiful and nice a COOL. The wild flowers were every where and the mountains are amazing and beautiful, they look like they are covered in velvet. We spent the week exploring old Ghost towns, Gold/Silver Mills & Mines. It is amazing what those miners accomplished. It was a very hard way to make a living.
My Mom, Sister and Aunt Karen were also up there on there annual GIRLS TRIP. It was fun to hangout with them for a fews days.
We love it and can't wait until winter and we can go back and snowmobile.
Posted by Gilchrist Gang at 8:53 PM 0 comments